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Proposals Tourism

' Taman Mini Indonesia Indah as the Indonesian Archipelago Cultural Heritage Representation '
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or better known as singkatanTMII located kampong Hamlet , Rambutan , East Jakarta is a recreational area around Indonesia in the day as travel knowledge artistic and cultural heritage of Indonesia in the form of representation of miniatures among other islands / island in Indonesia , houses customs , crafts carvings that represent the culture of the nation throughout the archipelago from Aceh bridge until the bridge Papua as a symbol of heritage which needs to be kept in mind to be preserved by the future generation in the shade of our beloved Homeland .













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Contoh Poster (Example of Poster) Cetak Digital

Contoh - Contoh Poster Untuk Promosi  Poster Berikur dengan format Potrait alias bediri dengan ukuran jadi 32 x 46 cm  

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Desain Proposal Pendidikan Eklusif

Desain Grafis untuk Proposal Pendidikan Eklusif . yang sudah di layout cetak Bolak balik alias depan dan belakang seperti booklet. Finishing akhirnya adalah Staples di tengah.     Demikian contoh desain untuk proposal pendidikan semoga bisa jadi inspirasi untuk anda.
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